vince vaughn and virgins...
i just saw "4o Year Old Virgin" - and when i say "just", i mean literally an hour ago, at the Lowes on 86th and Broadway. probably the hardest i've laughed since napolean dynamite. that doesn't say much for any comedy that's come out since. it's interesting to note: i wonder how many viewers really experience a bit of uncomfortableness, mixed with hilarity, mostly because we are all at one time or another, bitterly insecure sexually. very effective combination. you almost want to think it's so funny, because anything else would cause us to dwell...
a rant. as funny as the movie was, it still engages in a unhealthy dose of stereotyping (african-americans in particular). why aren't we over this yet??? you want to know what's funny? vince vaughn's character in Be Cool. that was funny, because a white guy was the slummy stupid bad guy, trying to be someone he's not, and he was, appropriately, shot down for it...that's not a stereotype... that's genuine creativity... because we all have seen (and some of us know) white people that wish they were someone else... in light of all that, and to keep persons from thinking i have a stick up my ass, my jaw hurt after leaving the theater... and that hasn't happened in years...
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